Exterior Care
Far more people see and judge the outside of your vehicle versus the inside. That doesn’t mean that the inside is not important. It just means that only a select few actually get to ride with you. It feels nice when someone gives you an approving nod for your shiny wheels. Psychologists have suggested that having a clean car tells the world how reliable we are. We have a well-ordered mind. That’s got to translate to happy.
Products we have for exterior care are available in concentrates or premixed. We also have products designed to restore paint surfaces, should that be required. We carry exterior care products from Car Brite and Auto Magic. Brad frequently tests the products before he recommends them to his customers. That way he is confident of the results they will get. If he is not satisfied with a product’s performance, he won’t stock it or recommend it. BDS Supply Inc. is run with integrity.

Exterior care covers all aspects of the outside of your vehicle.
We have products to clean and restore paint, chrome, glass, rubber, vinyl, and plastic. Auto Magic markets an incredible headlight restoration kit. It eliminates the haze and makes the headlight look as good as new. It also provides a protective coating that minimizes future damage. If your car wash or detail centre needs exterior care products. BDS Supply Inc. has everything you need. Give us a call.